Friday, October 31, 2008

Not So Ugly Betty!

Last night, I had my writers lab meeting, and by the time I got home, I could only stay awake to watch one of my shows, "Ugly Betty." I couldn't help myself. I suspected that there might be more shirtlessness on GA, but the preview from last week with Mark and Mandy setting Lindsay Lohan up for a fall were just too juicy to resist. I don't know that I have ever written about how much I love Mark and Mandy on UG, but they just make me laugh like crazy. Sometimes laughing can be better than shirtlessness, and last night was one of those times. So who is the shirtless guy presented here? His name is Grant Bowler, an Austrailian actor joining the show. He was introduced to us last night as Connor Owens, new CFO of Meade and secret spy with Daniel, and I think he definitely needs to take his shirt off. I think he might get to take it off with Wilhemina which would be good since we all know how I feel about women of color enjoying good shirtlessness. He's supposed to be on at least three episodes, and I am crossing my fingers for the next two.

I didn't mention how much I enjoyed the Justin storyline last week. His "Billy Elliot" audition warmed my heart for a variety of reasons. Perhaps it was the picture that he let his mother take just before the audition even amidst his protests or meeting the class bully and discovering his secret love of ballet. It definitely could have been the boys' dance off in the holding room. But perhaps it was their expression of disbelief when they saw who finally got the part, an experience that I am not too big to say that I have had. Actually, I just love seeing the way that the whole family rallies around Justin and all of his idiosyncrasies, and it was so much fun to watch them all experience their first Broadway audition together.

Tonight, I think I'll be looking for some Halloween shirtlessness which in New York City is always very special. It's freezing cold here, but there is always someone crazy enough to take it off! Whoo hoo! The DH commercials suggest that there will be female shirtlessness on Sunday which leads me to believe that male shirtlessness is forthcoming. I'll catch up on GA and hopefully have some excellent new shirtlessness to report on Monday. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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