Friday, December 19, 2008

Sherlock Shirtlessness

Great news just in from another IMS member: Robert Downey, Jr. will be appearing shirtless in the upcoming Guy Ritchie film of Sherlock Holmes. Click here to read all about it. What is so exciting about this news is that apparently Mr. Ritchie has felt that the bar has been raised on the sleuthing film by the Bourne Supremacy movies and our favorite Bond films to require good male shirtlessness. This is a victory for IMS members everywhere. Shirtlessness has become part of a genre! While Robert Downey, Jr. broke my heart on Ally McBeal by being so good on the show and then getting caught with drugs, I know he will not disappoint on this one. RDJ is definitely good for some good male shirtlessness. Let's just hope that there will be more than one scene of it.

On a personal note, I am participating in a holiday event for a theater company here in New York as an actor and have found myself cast in a short play in which my character tries to get the other character, played by the vice president of IMS, to take his shirt off. While not everyone at the event will recognize or understand the sheer brilliance of the casting of this, I thought you should know that I am out there continuously working for the cause!

Today is supposed to feature some sort of Storm of the Century causing school closings and panic galore. So far, it appears to be snowing. People are very bundled up, however, and I think I can officially call the season for good male shirtlessness closed in the North East. I really will be looking to new episodes in January to satisfy the craving. I hope ABC is listening. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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