In any case, after a summer of seeing almost no movies at all, I saw two movies in one weekend and discovered the delectable Penn Badgely who seems to be quite game for taking his shirt off. Hurrah! I have not watched "Gossip Girl" since I was trying to keep one night television free (which has gone out the window with my new obsession of "Hawaii 5-0") and really did not know much about Mr. Badgley. But I enjoyed him in "Easy A" this weekend. In fact, I enjoyed "Easy A" quite a lot with the exception of my difficulty imagining that a girl could be so completely vilified in high school for having sex. Perhaps it is too long since I went to high school, but I distinctly remember that more than one person in my class was having it without causing too much outrage. On the flip side, the hommage to John Hughes movies of the 80s made me laugh and cheer, and of course, I can't help but love a leading lady with a caustic wit.
Thank goodness that I got my laughing and cheering at the movies because there wasn't much to be had last night with the season premiers of either DH or B&S. While I enjoyed DH to a certain extent, I couldn't help feeling that I was watching a recycled show. We watched Vanessa Williams bring a slghtly kinder and gentler Wilhemina Slater to Wisteria Lane and Bree set up almost the exact same scenario as we saw Susan in two seasons ago, strangely with newly wed Brian Austin Green in the role of the housepainter. The only saving grace was the beardless Carlos looking quite dapper. I think he should take his shirt off for sure!
As for B&S, that show has jumped the shark. Even the giant billboard of shirtless Gilles could not save the episode. Why was everyone speaking so slowly? I felt like I was in the final scene of an episode of "Party of 5" for the entire show. Pregnant pauses do not make good television; nor does excessive whining. I don't know that I will be able to continue on Sunday nights. They didn't even let poor Gilles say anything. Why, ABC, why?
I'm just grateful that I have H50 to watch tonight. It looks like Mr. O'Loughlin will be shirtless and wet tonight. I can hardly wait! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,