Friday, November 25, 2011

Sexiest Shirtlessness Alive!

Hearty congratulations to Bradley Cooper for grabbing that coveted title, Sexiest Man Alive. Mr. Cooper is no stranger to this blog or to good male shirtlessness, and we at IMS are glad to see the Two Point Standard being upheld by this important figure. I'll say that I do not remember "Sexiest Man Alive" being announced on Thanksgiving before, but I really won't complain. It was certainly something that I felt thankful for!

So I did watch the two hour finale of Dancing With the Stars with my mother this week. She asked me why all the men had their shirts open. When pressed as to why their open shirts bothered her so much, she responded that she thought the shirts got in the way of their dancing. "So you would rather that they simply remove their shirts?" I asked her. "Sure," came her reply, "I think so." It was a revelatory moment for me. Even my mother supports good male shirtlessness! Perhaps this holiday season, IMS members can reach out to their family members for support in the cause. They may just surprise you! Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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