Friday, November 18, 2011

Shirtlessness Off Broadway

Before I explain the title of today's post, I will expound upon the shirtlessness of the above featured Dermot Mulroney. Lately, I've been developing a slight obsession with Maroon 5 ever since "Moves Like Jagger" wiggled its way into my brain, and in my quest for other videos in which Adam Levine might also be shirtless, I came across a video from "The Wedding Date" starring Mr. Mulroney and the lovely Debra Messing which featured Maroon 5's song "Secret." I was then reminded of how much I enjoyed the movie, a) because I am a sucker for romcoms, and b) the gigolo character played by Mr. Mulroney admits to having been a comparative literature major at Brown which made me laugh inappropriately in the theater. Also, let's face it, I've always wished that I could just order myself an Ivy League educated date who looks like Mr. Mulroney to accompany me to a family wedding. Wait a second, I did take the Vice President of IMS to my brother's wedding, but we did not wind up shirtless in a boat. In any case, I think the song and the scene are both very sexy, and my appreciation for Mr. Mulroney was renewed. Perhaps my favorite thing about this sex scene is that Ms. Messing falls down and starts laughing in it which makes it seem like fun sex instead of the usual silent stuff portrayed in film.

As for the title of this post, I was so delighted to attend a performance of Carla Ching's "Sugar House at the Edge of the Wilderness" last night and discover that Ms. Ching has added some shirtlessness to the play that was not in earlier versions. I managed not to start clapping inappropriately but warmly congratulated the actor after the show who admitted to me that he was nervous to have the President of IMS in the house. I'm just so pleased that plays being developed in my writers' lab are increasingly featuring shirtlessness. And I am so happy to see the work of my fellow Asian American writers receiving such beautiful productions. New York IMS members, go see Sugar House, not only for the shirtlessness but for a wonderful play!

Our lab is presenting an evening of short plays next week to raise money for a new copier, and all I can say is that mine will most definitely feature male shirtlessness, lots of it. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, your blog cracked me up, and now I am totally in love with it (my bestie Reshma told me about this site). And, FYI, just last week, I saw the awesome Off-Broadway production of "Titus Andronicus" at The Public, and was very pleased to see tons of much-appreciated male shirtlessness on display throughout almost the entire second act, from most of the fine men in the cast (including Jacob Fishel, Rob Campbell, William Jackson Harper, Patrick Carroll & Ron Cephas Jones). Oh, and the acting was great too. Tickets are only fifteen bucks. And the show closes on Sunday (12/18). I think IMS would enjoy it. Wishing you lots of warm holiday male shirtlessness. Sincerely, Justin M.