Friday, April 4, 2008

Fringe Benefits

Happy April, fellow IMS members! Spring is in the air (not really, but I'm an optimist), and it seems as though some good shirtlessness is on its way. I'm feeling very happy because I've discovered some fringe benefits to being the President of IMS.

1) People send you shirtless pictures! One member sent me clippings from Italian Vogue and Chinese newspapers of excellent male shirtlessness and even addressed the envelope to Mme. President!
2) People send me links to funny videos! Another IMS member sent me a link to a YouTube clip. Sadly, it did not feature any shirtlessness, but I feel hopeful that soon they will.
3) People offer to take off their shirts to help me! My friend Charlie Schroeder offered to take his shirt off when I was having trouble downloading his podcasts. He said after sendng me some advice, "If that doesn't work, I'll take my shirt off!" Imagine shirtlessness as a consolation prize to every technological problem you have. This is amazing! ( I hope someone at the Apple Store is reading this.)

Speaking of Charlie Schroeder, he has some pretty hilarious stuff on his website ( including some shirtless video. I cannot officially sanction this video due to a failure to meet my two point standard of Good Shirtlessness, but I would like to applaud him for putting it out there. His podcasts make my ride on the subway so much more enjoyable. Check him out!

Finally, I have realized that I have not featured any beautiful men of color on my blog which shames me as a woman of color. So I leave you with this picture of Mario Lopez, a shirtless favorite of mine, from last season on "Nip/Tuck" that I found on another blog on blogger. Click on the weird box at the top to see it. I have no idea why my picture appears this way, but enjoy the mystery. Mario goes into "A Chorus Line" in two weeks as Zak, and all I can say is "Take your shirt off Zak!"

Yours in shirtlessness,

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