Monday, February 2, 2009

Spanish Shirtlessness

Sorry for the late post. I became so caught up in an application for my Jane Austen play that I totally forgot to post until tonight when I was at a friend's play reading whose stage directions included the characters taking their shirts off and I was jolted into the realization of my missing post. Oops! I hope this means that my play will get accepted. After all I must have been concentrating very hard to miss out on my bi-weekly shirtlessness fix.

Judging from my brother's comment to my last post, he is still recovering from yet another no-Bills Superbowl, and so I am refraining from posting any Superbowl shirtlessness here. I did hear, however, that Rafael Nadal (pictured above) tore off his own shirt during the finals of the Australian Open and won. I am pleased that he was able to win the Australian Open and demonstrate good shirtlessness simultaneaously. IMS encourages individuals who can multi-task. Good job, Rafael!

I am hoping that some new television will boost the shirtlessness quote of this totally dreary winter. It has been so cold that I ran outside today to enjoy the "good weather" of 40 degrees. I realize that it is February in New York, but this winter has seemed to sap the life out of this normally chipper little Indian. I need sun and vitamin D! So do all of the people around me. Times are bad when a South Indian feels pasty. And now that Punxsutawney Phil has seen his own shadow, good male shirtlessness is on hold for at least another 6 weeks. I guess I will scour the internet for other pictures of good shirtlessness or alternately, the sun. Until I find some, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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