Monday, July 13, 2009

Shirtlessness for the Spirit

Since the show I directed "Grace" closed last night, I decided to post someone to lift my spirits, that man of men, George Clooney. I find that after any theatrical endeavor ends, I always experience a Blue Period which will last for different amounts of time depending on my investment in the project. In the case of "Grace," the investment was big, and so I suspect the Blue Period will be long. While I was grateful to sleep through the night, something I rarely do when directing a show, I woke up feeling sad that I wouldn't see the cast and crew today after spending a solid week in a black box theater with them. Also, they are the people whom I was with when Michael Jackson died, and so I am bonded with them on many levels.

But back to using shirtlessness for good, I just want to point out that Mr. Clooney has shown us all how to take something silly (celebrity) and use it for good(world peace). His work in Darfur has certainly alerted a huge subsection of the population who only read People magazine about attrocities that happen in other countries even as we worry about why Britney Spears has shaved her head. I hope that his work and the work of others can remind artists of our power and responsibility to shed light on issues that may be hard to digest. While I love People magazine (I came home and read it cover to cover after coming home from striking the set of the refugee play last night), I also find time to devour the paper with similar enthusiasm if not always the same thoroughness. I hope as members of IMS, we can all strive to find the balance between silly and good in our lives. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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