Monday, July 20, 2009

Update on Show Boyfriend

In my continued Blue Period, I had a momentary reflection on last summer and my show boyfriend, David Gandy, and so I looked him up to find out how he is. Even after the affair, there are still warm feelings! I'm happy to report that Mr. Gandy continues his excellent shirtless work for Dolce & Gabanna. I'm wondering if he is also doing lots of yoga based on his excellent vashistasana shown here which means that we did have stuff in common besides my dressing room mirror! In any case, it's good to know that times are bleak, there are some reliable arbiters of good shirtlessness out there, fighting for the cause.

I'm in a reflective mood today on the state of ethnic theater because I find myself disappointed yet again in my own community. I wonder about things like karma because what goes around does not seem to be coming around to this little Indian. For instance, all the activism for good shirtlessness has produced exactly no good shirtlessness for me in recent months, but I guess one cannot be an activist for personal gain. So I guess I'll just sit out on the balcony and look at the shirtless guy across the street and feel satisfaction in helping to create a world in which such a neighbor can exist. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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