Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

For Independence Day, I thought I would post a picture of the All-American Zac Efron and say that he seems just as sweet as apple pie. He used a lot of expletives in his GQ magazine interview, but in spite of that, he seems very wholesome. I think that's a good metaphor for Americans. We seem very wholesome in spite of engaging in blatantly un-wholesome behavior. Since I live in New York, I have been rather obsessed with our State Senate of late and how their dysfunstion has ground state government to a complete halt. Let's just say that they don't make democracy look very good. And yet, I can't help but get a lump in my throat when I think that we voted for all of these hooligans who are currently collecting per diem for turning the lights off on one another, and maybe this is what we deserve. It's the American way. Indian people call it karma.

So as I head off to Long Island for a long weekend, I ask all you fellow IMS members to consider what you have done for your country lately. While good male shirtlessness can benefit society by promoting fitness and equalizing the beauty standards between the sexes, can we all take a moment this 4th of July to recognize that unplugging our chargers and turning off the lights can also benefit the world that we live in? Can we consider paying as much attention to who we elect to office as we do to whether Zac Efron wears make-up or not? Is it too much to hope that we can manage our time to include reading the paper as well as trolling the internet for good shirtless pictures? I hope so. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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