Monday, October 19, 2009

Hey Everybody! Hey!

Although I have lost my patience with B&S in the past, I have to hand it to them last night for giving me what I wanted and promising me more. Not only did last night's episode begin with a very long shirtless scene of Rob Lowe (who did give some unexpectedly good shirtlessness with anatomically accurate scar make-up), but then Sarah's trip to France produced the much anticipated romance of the season. Here's a picture of IMS Poster Boy 2009, Gilles Marini, as he will appear next week with one of the Walker women saying "Don't give him a towel." Next week may be the best episode of anything ever.

To back track, I have spent the last two weeks at the Theater for the New City in the East Village supporting my fellow writers of the Ma-Yi Writers' Lab and attending performances of the 2nd Asian American Theater Festival, and in all of this theater, no one has taken his shirt off. I didn't even hear a stage direction where someone might have taken his shirt off. And it has turned into winter here in New York which means that no one is walking the streets without a shirt either. So after the final day of performances, I curled up on the couch looking for a little bit of comfort. I'll admit, I was vulnerable, maybe even a little bit needy. And there he was, Mr. Marini asking so charmingly in French to the ever so put upon Sarah, "Puis-je vous aider?" I responded, "Oui! Vous pouvez m'aider!" In a break with my tradition of not talking on the phone during the quiet hours of DH and B&S, I called the vice president of IMS who confirmed that Mr. Marini was so sexy that he didn't even have to take his shirt off. He had us at "Puis-je."

Fast forward to the end of the show when I erupted into spontaneous applause for a scene in which Mr. Marini showed up on the porch wearing a jacket and then almost started to cry during the preview for next week. Suffice it to say that I will be watching and taping next week's episode and not be speaking to anyone from 10 to 11pm. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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