Monday, October 12, 2009

Recovering Shirtlessness

Apparently Gilles Marini is going to make 2010 sexy by being in a calendar by Fred Goudon, the photographer who helped him get his start. This is old news but I give it to you now as hope for better things because sometimes, that's all we need - assurances that something better is coming along. Last night I laid in the fetal position on the couch hoping and praying for Gilles Marini to make an appearance finally on B&S as the antidote to the traumatizing play reading that I had during the day. My prayers were answered nominally in the form of the "Next Week on Brother and Sisters" segment which showed Sarah kissing Mr. Marini in France. Just knowing that it is out there, makes me feel better. And now I want to go to France.

Some of you may wonder why I was so traumatized by a reading after finishing drinking in the above photo. My reading was held in a complex with many theaters, and one of the theater was housing a show that seemed to be very popular with the over-80 crowd. Unfortunately, two people from that show mistakenly came into mine. They were a little old couple who sat in the front row, and the husband repeated every line to his wife who was hard of hearing. What was unfortunate was that he was a little hard of hearing himself and quite loud with his translation. The overall effect was of being in an episode of "Mystery Science Theater" that featured my brand new play. While I was touched that this little old couple still went to the theater and helped each other, I felt awful for my actors who could also hear their lines coming back at them from the audience. The whole thing stressed me out, and I sought solace in my shows. ABC, shirtless Gilles Marini would have helped this girl out a LOT last night.

There's always next week. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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