Monday, January 11, 2010

Goodbye Carl!

Last night there was no new shirtlessness due to the death of Carl Meyer on DH and general drippy writing on B&S, but I will say that I was pacified because both shows dealt with unexpected topics in funny ways. And even more than looking at good shirtlessness on Sunday nights, I like to laugh.

DH finally addressed the topic of race in their fifth season with the Solis family in a storyline about getting Juanita Solis into private school. I laughed out loud when Carlos and Gabby asked each other "Why does our daughter think she's white?" and then looked around and noticed for the first time their lily white neighborhood. Having been a brown girl in an all white neighborhood growing up, it took me a little while to figure out that having a different skin color made a difference too, although I'm sure I knew before I was seven. That may be because someone kept blowing up our mailbox when we moved in, but that was a long time ago. Anyway, kudos to DH for taking note and making us take note. Now to see if they can integrate any other non-white people into Wisteria Lane. They haven't had any Asian people on yet!

B&S while still fairly drippy had a hilarious exchange between Paige and Kevin about Kevin's adolescence. The look on Paige's face when Kevin said he didn't think anyone knew he was gay in middle school was priceless. It was a sweet and sassy moment, and it made me forget that they cured Kitty of cancer in 6 weeks. Also, I enjoyed Sally Field having her day at the end, although I do feel bad that she can never have a relationship that stays good for more than a week.

I'm greatful that Mike Delfino made a comeback on DH last night and have now pinned all my shirtless Sunday wishes on him. Maybe he'll do a strip tease at a ladies' club next week? Here's to hoping! Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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