Monday, May 17, 2010

Thank you, Rob!

Spoiler alert to those of you who did not watch last night, Rob Lowe exited "B&S" in almost Hindi movie fashion. He died with his eyes open. Let me just say that I have long been a fan of Mr. Lowe's, having hosted a Rob Lowe film festival at my house in the eighth grade, but in the past two seasons of B&S, I have always thought that he didn't really care to be there. I will give him props for rallying in the last few weeks of this season by providing consistent shirtlessness and acting as though he cared about any of his fellow characters. His final monologue choked me up a little, which is big for me since I hate breathy monologues at the end of shows. I hope that in whatever vehicle that ABC finds next for him, he will continue to balance shirtlessness with wearing tuxedos and well cut suits. Au revoir, Rob!

Aside from the preposterous car accident at the end of the show which involved an overturned semi and an exploded car 50 yards from each other with all of the Walker clan in between, I do have some complaints about the episode. First off, why make Gilles a legal resident and live in lover of Sarah if they never do anything together? It's hard for me to feel sorry for Sarah when she has sexy, sexy Luc offering to make her an omelette. Am I supposed to believe that she would rather watch soaps on a campaign bus with her mother and sister than stay home and watch her French boyfriend mop the floor without his shirt on? I have suspended my disbelief for many an ABC show including watching interns perform autopsies and going with the storyline that a mother could hide her criminal son in the basement, but this is where I draw the line. I hope that Gilles will take a lesson from Rob next season and find reasons to play Scrabble shirtless and that Sarah will have the good sense to like it. I hate when good shirtlessness is wasted.

I will save my thoughts on DH for another post since we now have the long dull summer ahead. Needless to say, I was disappointed with the lack of shirtlessness on this finale, since DH was the host mother so to speak of IMS. It just makes me long for Jesse Metcalf a little bit. But I digress. Looking forward to the finale of GA this week and hoping that McDreamy and McSteamy dodge the bullet. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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