Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm Into Shirtlessness

I have this kooky habit of downloading one song a month so that I can keep up with the kids. I turn my monthly downloads into a mix for the year, and then I can look back on each year and remember it according to a pop soundtrack. A lot of people know that I do this and send me suggestions for songs for the month. A few months ago, a friend suggested "On the Floor" by Jennifer Lopez which became my June song. The other night I thought I should check out the other songs on the album and happened across this video. OMG! The shirtlessness is incredible. Now I don't know what happened between J. Lo and Marc Antony, but I have got to give props to a woman in her 40s rocking a dress made out of coins rolling around on the beach with 20-something William Levy wearing khakis and some sand. It's all good, and I will have no problem saying that I'm into anyone who looks that good in the surf. Phenomenal!

So as I cool down from this video, I will report that Rocky Horror is certain to contain a lot of shirtlessness. I'm very happy about it. At last I get to do a show in which the men are wearing less clothing than the women! I actually think I may be living the IMS dream. I wish the same for all of you loyal IMS members as well. Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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