Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Important PSA

In the spirit of bringing you important news in a shirtless package, I offer this PSA from the CW addressing climate change. While of course, it is a shameless plug for its own programming, I must say that increasing good male shirtlessness to combat global warming is change that I can get behind! So next time an IMS member feels like yelling "Take your shirt off," said member can also follow it up with "It's for a good cause!" I like it.

Is this perhaps the next wonderful trend in PSAs? All messages delivered shirtless? I feel that we might solve our problems more quickly if the solutions were presented in such a manner. Cap and trade? Sure if that shirtless guy is doing it! Americans after all are all about the packaging. Sad but true. So let's hear it for more shirtless PSAs! Hurrah!

On a side note, I was so happy to see Gilles Marini back on prime time in this week's episode of "Modern Family." Sadly, he did not take his shirt off which seems like a waste of perfectly good shirtlessness to me. But honestly, he could keep his shirt on and just speak in that sexy accent to make me happy. I'm really not that hard to please. Sigh... Until he takes his shirt off on another show, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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