Saturday, October 29, 2011

For Matt with love

The stage manager of the touring show that I directed this fall recently sent me some photos of Joey Lawrence shirtless for the blog, and to reward this recent IMS member for his dedication, I thought I would post Mr. Lawrence in a sort of artsy balck and white shot. Mr. Lawrence has clearly come a long way since his "Blossom" days. I wonder if he now goes by "Joe" instead of "Joey" to complete his transformation like another young heartthrob of my time, Rick Schroeder. Whatever he wants to be called, I will give him a strong IMS salute. Thank you, Mr. Lawrence, for taking the transition to adult television star seriously.

In other news, I went to see a play last night in which one actor wore a moderately tight t-shirt. For most of the play, I wondered when he would take his t-shirt off since he was the object of desire, but alas he never did. On the ride home, the Vice President of IMS and I had discussed at length why his character should have taken his shirt off to further the plot and raise the stakes of the story. And while I realize that this sounds absurd, I realized that sometimes shirtlessness can really be used for art. Seriously folks, good shirtlessness is not just eye candy - it can mean something!

With that in mind, I leave you...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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