Friday, October 7, 2011

The Ides of Shirtlessness

Okay, I know no one is shirtless in this picture, but I have to post it because I'm so excited that Ryan Gosling and George Clooney have made a film together. I'm also excited that Mr. Clooney directed it and adapted the screenplay from a stage play, "Farragut North" by Beau Willimon. I hope beyond hope that each of these fine actors finds a way to take his shirt off during the course of the film. I have a feeling that I will be disappointed on this count and then hopelessly depressed about the political process, but I'm going to go anyway. I love them.

At least in the movie, there will be some nice eye candy accompanying the sad political commentary as opposed to the state of actual politics today which is depressing and without any eye candy at all. The only candidate who could possibly take off his shirt is the President, and he has forbidden the press from taking shirtless pictures. This IMS President is feeling bleak. All I have to look forward to is Op-Ed pieces by Gail Collins who finds more and more clever ways to work the fact that Mitt Romney drove to Canada with the family dog strapped to the roof of his car into each column. If there can be no good shirtlessness, let us have good humor!

My bleakness has spilled over into my television habits. I have not been able to watch GA at all because I simply cannot endure another Meredith-McDreamy break-up. There are some things that all the good shirtlessness in the world cannot fix, and repeated romantic trauma is one of them. Perhaps the global economy is another, but no one has ever tried. I will carry on somehow, as I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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