Monday, October 10, 2011

A Return to Shirtlessness

I can't claim any real sadness to the loss of "Brothers & Sisters" other than the fact that I know there is no way I will see sweet Gilles Marini shirtless on a Sunday night again. My fingers are crossed that he might find his way onto "PanAm," but given that show's preposterous storylines, I'm not really sure that I even want that to happen. After a Sunday night of no shirtlessness, I'm feeling rather sad and dejected. Hence the photo of Mr. Good Shirtlessness himself to make me feel better about a bleak world.

I know that my posts have been rather dejected lately from a lack of hope. When surrounded by people who believe in neither climate change nor good shirtlessness, I am left with a sense of wonder as to what tomorrow might possibly hold for me. At the moment, it seems only bad hair and a room full of hirsute, unfit men in button-downs. What is a girl to do? I'm almost as depressed as when all of my friends sent me the link to the Maureen Dowd column in the New York Times with the same title. It basically made the case that smart women had no chance of meeting Mr. Right. While I know plenty of smart women who are married to Mr. Pretty Rights, the column still made me sad. I really just want a man to take off his shirt and speak in full sentences. Is that so wrong?

I hope not. Until then, we have Mr. Marini and me...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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