Monday, October 24, 2011

Trouty Mouth Goes Shirtless

An IMS member recently emailed this photo for the blog, demonstrating his commitment and dedication to the cause. I'll admit that I have not been keeping up with Glee this season, partially because I have acting class on Tuesday nights and have yet to add dvr to my cable features. I am loathe to pay Time Warner Cable any more than I already do. But I was sad that Mr. Overstreet's contract was not renewed this season, primarily because he always seemed prepped for shirtlessness. I also was sad because I thought it was a brilliant storyline to have him and Mercedes date and was quite disappointed that the plotline would not go forward this season. Now it seems his contract has been re-negotiated, and he will return in December. I hope said contract includes a significant number of shirtless scenes!

The weather in New York has turned definitively to fall, and I am resigning myself to little or no shirtlessness in the coming months. The only thing that is buoying my spirits now is the recent onslaught of emails from IMS members with pictures and links for posting. I wonder what I would do without IMS - possibly wallow in my apartment eating ice cream and watching "Pride & Prejudice" over and over again without any hope of new shirtlessness in my world. Thank goodness for the cause and all the good work being done on its behalf!

Yours in shirtlessness,

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