Monday, April 5, 2010

Thanks to the VP!

Okay, I did not actually go to the Miley Cyrus movie this weekend, although apparently a lot of other people did, but I had to post this picture of Liam Hemsworth as a thank you to the IMS VP for being such a great friend. After a trying weekend, I think it is good form to thank the people who hold your hand with some good shirtlessness, if that is the kind of thing that they would appreciate. Mr. Hemsworth is a bit young for me, and I am definitely skeptical of showmances such as those between him and his co-star, Ms. Cyrus, but his appeal is certainly undeniable. Maybe in a few years I'll be able to look at him with some seriousness.

While it appears that there will be no new television and therefore no new shirtlessness for a few weeks, the good news is that the weather has been so glorious in New York that the likelihood of spontaneous shirtlessness is high. Walking through the Park on both Saturday and Sunday revealed many such occurrences. Notice how I am not calling any of this good shirtlessness because most of these men have not seen the sun in a very long time and therefore cannot uphold the second point of the Two Point Standard. But in early April, I will give everyone a break and say "Take your shirts off while the sun shines!" It's going to be 85 degrees on Wednesday, and I truly cannot wait! Until then, I am...

Yours in shirtlessness,

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