Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year!
I kind of love New Year's, not for the parties since one has to find a mode of transportation to attend them which is always a nightmare, but for the feelings of hope it inspires even in the dead of winter. It is a moment when most people take stock of what has happened in the past and try to resolve it with what they wish for in the future. I like the process myself, and appreciate that almost everyone else is taking a moment to assess along with me. While I have experienced a wide variety of events on New Year's Eve in the past, I almost always spend New Year's Day in my pajamas, cleaning, cooking, and relaxing. And most importantly, I spend the day wishing for what I really want in the coming year.
More good shirtlessness is always on the list of wishes, and I feel that over the past 5 years, we at IMS have had an impact on the amount of good shirtlessness on stage and screen. I'm proud of what has occurred and hopeful for what can still be. Over the past year in particular, I have also found myself discussing diversity both personally and professionally more and more, and so my hope for the New Year is that IMS can itself be a more diverse platform. More diversity in shirtlessness can only help the cause. That is my true resolution to you, dear IMS members.
So on a note of hopefulness, I'll share a tidbit from a friend who told me that Idris Elba is rumored to be in line as the next James Bond. After a little bit of Internet research, I discovered these rumors had some basis in fact, and that he had given an interview on the topic. In the interview, Mr. Elba remarked that he did not want to be the "black" James Bond any more than Sean Connery is the Scottish Bond. And so my hope is that by the time Daniel Craig finishes out his contract, we won't need to identify people by their skin color. See what I mean about hopefulness?! I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, December 28, 2012
Happy Holidays!
I am not a regular viewer of "New Girl" but every time I catch the show, this man manages to take his shirt off during the episode. I caught the Christmas episode on the plane ride home, and Max Greenfield appeared as a shirtless Santa (the very best kind!) While this is not the best photo of Mr. Greenfield, I believe it captures the spirit of what makes his shirtlessness so charming - a sense of humor. Some might call it a touch of whimsy. Whatever it is, I suspect that I may have to tune into the show more often in 2013 since my once guaranteed sources of shirtlessness (DH & GA) have dried up. I think I'll tell Sexy Santa that! I like funny shirtlessness; humor ranks up there with kindness and water as wonderful accessories to good shirtlessness.
As we head into 2013, I ask all of you gentle readers to look into yourselves and choose your resolutions wisely. While we all could spend more time on the cause, I do feel that this past year has offered no shortage of areas that we would all focus on to make the world a better place. Sometimes, I can't believe how crazy the world is. Perhaps this is how people in the Middle Ages would have felt had they any idea what was happening beyond the areas reachable by foot, but I take little comfort in thinking that we have returned to the Middle Ages. More on resolutions on Monday, but I thought I should give you all the weekend to contemplate. In the meantime, I hope your New Year's plans will include shirtlessness, either public or private, and that this final weekend of 2012 is filled with good cheer. I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Holiday Cheer!
The holidays are in full swing, and I have given up posting on a regular basis due to the craziness. But I will leave you this holiday season with a little commercial shirtlessness from the Armani Exchange which never seems to disappoint by using shirtlessness to sell fashion. I love seeing ads for A/X at any time of year. While not as reliable as Abercrombie & Fitch, the models always look like they are well into their 20s which makes me a little bit less embarrassed about enjoying them so completely. Also, many of the ads as the one above, feature fully dressed women hanging around with shirtless men which is, in my humble opinion, how it should be.
In any case, this December has been a wild ride of ups and downs. I wish you all a very happy holiday. I will be taking Christmas Eve off, but will be back next Friday to post some wishes for the New Year. Until then, I remain...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, December 17, 2012
More Modern Shirtlessness
I had planned to post on Friday afternoon after a gig in the morning, but the events of the day made it seem ridiculous to post about shirtlessness. There are some things that good male shirtlessness cannot fix, and senseless tragedy is one of them. My weekend was spent alternating between obsessively watching the news and rehearsing for a show that my writers' lab produced on Sunday. On Friday night, I felt foolish for rehearsing when something so terrible had happened in the world, but then I thought it would be more foolish not to rehearse. Because terrible things happen in the world all the time, and the role of the artist in society is to carry on and hold up the mirror. This doesn't mean that I shall be writing a play about gun control anytime soon, but it does mean that I can't stop doing what I'm doing and trying to make a difference in the way that I can.
Our show was a response to injustice of another sort. The past year has offered many challenges to the Asian theater community as multiple theaters have been presenting Asian stories on their stages cast with white actors. While there have been many forums for speaking out against this blatant racism, until Sunday night, no new work had been created from it. The Ma-Yi Writers' Lab decided to do an evening of short plays which reappropriated Western fairy tales cast with Asian stories mixed with even shorter plays about the variety of reasons that actors of color do not get cast. The evening was a wild success, and true to form, I managed to convince the directors to make one actor take his shirt off. Since all the actors were on stage for the entire show, the moment he took off his shirt turned into a meta-theatrical moment when everyone watched him take off his shirt and then turned to me to see my reaction (which was clapping and cheering). Said actor was Caucasian, and his dedication inspired me. Even people who are not directly effected by the issue can take action - white actors can speak out against casting inequity for Asian actors. And so I walked away from the theater that night hoping that even people who were not personally effected by Friday's tragic events can still take action to make the world a better or at least safer place.
Today's picture was inspired by last week's post. Modern dance has always done shirtlessness well, and I think that sometimes it is the wordless arts that can speak most clearly. So here's to hoping that we can continue to create beauty from the world around us.
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, December 10, 2012
Modern Shirtlessness
It's that time again, when the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater takes over New York's City Center and a lot of shirtlessness ensues. I'm scrambling myself to figure out when I can go to see the company and get an extra dose of excellent male shirtlessness along with some fierce dancing by all. Mr. Ailey was doing shirtlessness before I was born, and I am so grateful that his legacy has been carried on in so many ways. I'm always inspired by the Ailey company to work harder and be better as an artist, and it is always a wonderful thing to see them at the end of each year as a springboard into the next. So enjoy some good male shirtlessness, and may it inspire all of you to push yourself more towards your dreams in 2013!
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, December 7, 2012
Making a Shirtless Indie Movie
A few weeks ago, I went to see a movie called "Gayby" with one of my dearest friends. It was an independent movie made in New York about a straight woman and her gay best friend having a child together. The gay best friend took off hist shirt a lot. This movie seemed like exactly my cup of tea. But besides the heartwarming gay-straight friendship storyline and the frequent shirtlessness, I was really impressed that this movie was made almost entirely through the fundraising efforts of the creative team through Fractured Atlas and Kickstarter. In a world where everything seems to get done only by large corporations including art and entertainment, the fact that I could see a movie in a commercial movie theater (albeit an art house) that was truly made by the blood, sweat, and tears of artists inspired me. So to Matthew Wilkas and the cast of "Gayby," I offer you a true IMS salute! Thank you for producing good shirtlessness the old-fashioned way!
Yours in shirtlessness,
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
More Marines Maybe
The internet is back in my building! It came back over the weekend, but sadly a horrible stomach virus incapacitated me for my Monday post. I am better now, due to copious amounts of ginger ale. And to celebrate the happiness of both the return of the internet and my appetite (almost) I give you some US Marines, once again dancing to the IMS song of the year "Call Me Maybe." I thought this video was cute when I first saw it, but then I compared it to the video that it parodies created by the Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders and found it hilarious. Full disclosure - being from Buffalo makes me automatically hate the Miami Dolphins, and so while I'm sure the Marines who made this video compiled it in homage to them, I just found it to be a hilarious send up of all of their moves. There is lots of shirtlessness to be had, although not all of it is good. But kudos to the US Marines for taking the time to make a fun video while fighting a war and incorporating shirtlessness for good.
The only thing positive that I can say about my stomach virus is that my abs have never been flatter. Other than that, the whole episode was horrible and hopefully not to be repeated. It will take a lot of shirtlessness to get over the ordeal. Shirtless get well telegrams are welcome since I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Thursday, November 29, 2012
No Internet, No Shirtlessness
Although I did take the day after Thanksgiving off, figuring that the day after the country has gorged itself in turkey and sides was perhaps not the best day for shirtlessness, my silence since then has not been intentional. I currently have no Internet service due to an "outage" from Time Warner Cable. While no one can tell me where this "outage" is occurring exactly, or why it is happening, or perhaps most importantly, when it will be fixed, they do keep assuring me that "technicians are working as fast as they can." I am not convinced. So I am currently in the public library. Somehow I don't feel comfortable posting shirtless pictures in a library filled with children, and so I have to skip the shirtlessness for this week. Hopefully a new week will bring some new Internet access and therefore some new shirtlessness. All I can say is that it is currently a very dark time for the President of IMS. It makes me feel like I'm in the early 90s. I'm just waiting for someone to take my hair products away.
Sorry gentle readers for the delay. I hope to be posting again by next Monday.
Yours in shirtlessness in spirit,
Sorry gentle readers for the delay. I hope to be posting again by next Monday.
Yours in shirtlessness in spirit,
Monday, November 19, 2012
Military Shirtlessness
Gentle readers, I'm having a military moment. Yesterday, I took part in the Day of Service organized by the Clinton Global Initiative to provide help to the citizens of New York City who continue to be effected by Hurricane Sandy. While Manhattan has almost returned to normal, just outside the commercial center of the city are communities that still have no electricity or running water three weeks after the storm. The Clinton Initiative organized over 1000 volunteers to lend some much needed help to these communities that are struggling to salvage what they can from the storm's path. My bus load of volunteers was paired with a group of Marines from Team Rubicon, a service organization for retired military personnel, to help home owners fix their homes. Watching these ex-Marines mobilize their groups to do good was really inspiring, and I won't lie - I definitely wished my team leader Marine would take off his shirt while he was hoisting a sopping wet washing machine out of a flooded basement. I think public service is an excellent accessory to shirtlessness. But seriously, working with a group of veterans gave me a moment's perspective on how the military can use its skills to get big jobs done. A group of 30 volunteers was able to take down all the dry wall in one man's house in just a couple of hours so that he can begin the process of rebuilding. It was humbling and inspiring. There is still so much left to do that I encourage all IMS members to make an effort to help out. There may not be any shirtlessness, but there is certainly a great feeling in helping people in crisis.
So in honor of our ex-Marine team leaders, I offer you a remake of a Britney Spears video. I have a soft spot in my heart for them. Would you hold it against me?
Yours in shirtlessness,
So in honor of our ex-Marine team leaders, I offer you a remake of a Britney Spears video. I have a soft spot in my heart for them. Would you hold it against me?
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, November 16, 2012
Latin Shirtlessness
I was in Mexico at the beginning of the week on a gig and could not post, but in honor of my trip and "Skyfall" which I am still talking about, I present you with Javier Bardem. I know M. Bardem is not Mexican, but I thought I would go for a Latin theme. And also, after the performance he gives in "Skyfall," I wanted to post him. He is such a delightful mix of creepy and compelling in the film. I did not want him to take his shirt off in this particular film, but I know for most of "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" I wondered why he was wearing a shirt. And no matter what the role, M. Bardem is simply a sexy man.
While I know world traveling sounds very glamorous, I assure you that it isn't always. This is the second time that I have been to Mexico for work and had a difficult time finding Mexican food. Last time I stayed at an Japanese resort outside of Mexico City that only served Asian food, and this time I stayed in a hotel in Mexico City that was celebrating the flavors of Indonesia for some strange reason. Mexico is not where I would normally go for Asian cuisine. Luckily I was able to find a delightful taqueria next to the hotel and stuff myself full of chicken and bacon tacos. Also the weather was overcast from the moment I checked in to the hotel until the drive back to the airport which dashed all my hopes of live shirtlessness. Sometimes things just do not go my way, and I am grateful that I have this blog to rely upon for my shirtless fix. May you all have better luck with live shirtlessness than me, dear IMS members. Until then, I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Late Skyfall
In the better late than never category comes today's post, late because after going to the opening of the latest Bond film, "Skyfall," I was to swoony to turn on my computer and post. We all know how I love the Bond films, and how Daniel Craig started it all for me by helping me discover that I am a visual person. This film, however, went beyond my expectations of an action-thriller and my expectations for shirtlessness. After the iconic water scene in "Casino Royale," I wasn't sure what to expect from this movie, having been so disappointed in "Quantum of Solace." In "Skyfall," Sam Mendes went in the other direction for shirtlessness; instead of creating stand apart moments of shirtlessness, he simply peppered the film with Mr. Craig going about his business, shaving, showering, sleeping with beautiful women, swimming, all shirtless. It was very laissez-faire, and frankly I loved it!
The other thing I loved about this movie was the twist on the "Bond girl." While this film like the others features several beautiful ladies, I emerged from the theater asking my friends, "But who was the Bond girl in this one?" There is usually one woman with whom Bond forms an emotional connection and partners with to destroy the villain. On the down escalator, I realized that in "Skyfall" the female partner was M, Dame Judy Dench! I love it! A septuagenarian Bond girl is amazing.
So I'm feeling very happy these days - we have a shirtless-ready President and a constantly shirtless Bond. For today, all is good in the world. I'm going to enjoy this rare moment of contentedness, and gentle readers, I hope you will too.
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, November 5, 2012
Hurricane Shirtlessness
Sorry for the lack of posts last week. While Frankenstorm Sandy did not disrupt my power (I'm a very lucky girl), she did displace two of my friends, one of whom is the vice president of IMS, to my apartment. So for the past week, the three of us have been living in a one bedroom apartment which has been cozy to say the least. I'm happy to report that our fearless VP is a fantastic dishwasher, but for some reason, he would not take off his shirt while cleaning up the kitchen. I think he didn't want me to feel his loss too greatly when his power returns. Too late, I have been spoiled thinking that I can cook anything and have the dishes magically disappear for a week. It almost makes me hope his power will never come back!
In other news, I did spend time on Friday afternoon volunteering to take food and water to people who had been stranded on the upper floors of powerless buildings. Carrying food and water up 22 flights of stairs has given me a new appreciation for firefighters and the special kind of fitness it takes to do that work. While many people had evacuated, there were still a fair number of people in high rises on the East side, mostly elderly, and they were very grateful for the sustenance that we brought to them. It was probably one of the best afternoons of my life, feeling like I could really help people in need. For those of you not in the greater New York area, please know that the devastation is real, and still so many people are in need. Please consider donating to the Red Cross here. Shirtlessness is enjoyable only when it's a choice.
On a lighter note, another IMS member sent this clip to me of storm-related shirtlessness. I can't say I understand why someone would take a run in a hurricane at all, much shirtless and wearing a horse head, but it does take all kinds. Enjoy! And don't forget to vote tomorrow!
Yours in shirtlessness,
In other news, I did spend time on Friday afternoon volunteering to take food and water to people who had been stranded on the upper floors of powerless buildings. Carrying food and water up 22 flights of stairs has given me a new appreciation for firefighters and the special kind of fitness it takes to do that work. While many people had evacuated, there were still a fair number of people in high rises on the East side, mostly elderly, and they were very grateful for the sustenance that we brought to them. It was probably one of the best afternoons of my life, feeling like I could really help people in need. For those of you not in the greater New York area, please know that the devastation is real, and still so many people are in need. Please consider donating to the Red Cross here. Shirtlessness is enjoyable only when it's a choice.
On a lighter note, another IMS member sent this clip to me of storm-related shirtlessness. I can't say I understand why someone would take a run in a hurricane at all, much shirtless and wearing a horse head, but it does take all kinds. Enjoy! And don't forget to vote tomorrow!
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, October 22, 2012
And We Have Lift-Off!
Happy news, fellow IMS members! While I firmly believe that USA Today is a rag rather than an actual journalistic newspaper (spellcheck anyone?), the fact that it has declared 2012 the Year of the Shirtless Man brings a warm feeling to my heart. This means that not only has our work effected the sides of the country but also the middle. Oh happy day! Read all about this important trend here.
I like how the networks have finally come to understand that spending power of women and decided to make programming to entice female viewers to sty with their shows. I'm so glad that this realization has been made in 2012, 92 years after we got the vote. To be fair, although the article did not mention it, I think the networks are also realizing the purchasing power of gay men which means that perhaps they realize that gay men are out and about in this country buying things. Again, hurrah for the power of the obvious.
I am disappointed that not one of the shirtless guys featured was non-white, but I'll leave that argument for another day. Above I give you Johnny Lee Miller who stars opposite Lucy Liu who gets to keep all of her clothes on and even represent the voice of reason on the show "Elementary." The envelope is being pushed in so many ways!
Here's to hoping that this trend keeps up in 2013! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, October 15, 2012
Welcome Back Gilles!
This evening I received an urgent call from the Vice President of IMS telling me I had to watch "Dancing with the Stars" because not only was IMS Poster Boy 2010 Gilles Marini doing a shirtless dance, but he was doing it in the style of Bollywood. In spite of my strong aversion to all things Bollywood and my general distaste for white people dressing up as Indians, I have to admit that I can imagine no more perfect moment for IMS than his dance at 8:58 EST tonight. I don't know if it was his Miami tan or his extra kajaled eyes, but I fell under his spell! And his physique is truly unbelievable. During the judging section, I just stared at his arms; then when they were waiting for their scores, I just stared at his bellybutton. I could do without the gratuitous "that was hotter than a curry" comments from the judges (I mean when someone does a beautiful waltz, do any of the judges say it was "smoother than a fine coffee?" I think not!), but I could not get enough of those arms, that chest, and that sexy sexy accent expressing how deep a commitment he has to the dance. I seriously began to tear up as he talked about how afraid he was of doing this dance.
During our post-dance confab, the vice president and I agreed that both of us would start to cry if we ever met M. Marini. Also, we hope that Brooke Burke will kindly step to one side the next time she is interviewing him, especially if he continues to perform shirtless which he should always do. FOREVER.
In case you can't tell, DWTS has really gotten me hot and bothered this evening. So I will leave you with the happy video in case you didn't catch it tonight. They could have both plied more and kissed less for a more authentic Bollywood feel, but I admire their total embrace of a dance that they confessed they knew nothing about. They found an expert, took some lessons, and then took his shirt off. Hurrah!
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, October 12, 2012
Preparing for Shirtlessness
One of the actors in my shirtless play last month told me that she filmed a scene on "30 Rock" that included excellent shirtlessness. I watched the show last night, and indeed her scene featured Tina Fey and James Marsden getting busy on the floor of a Staples sans his shirt. There are many things about this scene that made me happy: 1) My friend was in it being hilarious, 2) James Marsden took off his shirt (obviously), 3) James Marsden is Liz Lemon's love interest which gives me hope that some day soon, I too will find a cute guy who gives good shirtlessness to sweep me off my feet or at least to sweep around the house, 4) someone thought to set a love scene in a Staples which appeals to my nerdy and organized side, and 5) Mr. Marsden is allowing himself to go grey which appeals to the part of me which wishes I didn't have to color my hair. I rarely see "30 Rock" since it is on Thursday nights when I am usually in my writers' lab, but I have to say it never disappoints when I do catch it. I only wonder why Alec Baldwin continues to dye his hair that unnatural color, but that is probably worth pondering in some other forum.
In honor of my friend's scene and Mr. Marsden's new short and grey look, I post this picture of him, obviously preparing himself for shirtlessness. May many others do the same! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, October 5, 2012
Gleeful Shirtlessness
The vice president of IMS recently alerted me to new good male shirtlessness on Glee this season, and so I present Dean Stanley Geyer for your enjoyment. I wonder how I never seemed to meet anyone in a state of shirtlessness when taking any sort of dance or acting class, or at least not anyone who went to my church. Alas, how tv and reality differ! But I'm happy to see that Glee is getting in on the shirtless action. I'm pretty sure that Glee is the gayest show on television (making the fact that it runs on Fox both ironic and hysterical), and as such, there should be much more shirtlessness on it. Gleeks, take note!
In other news, I am now working on a short play about migrant Filipino workers with Leviathan Lab's fall production, Migration Nation. When asked if I would be working male shirtlessness into my play, I responded that making a migrant worker take off his shirt seemed wrong to me. And so it seems that I have finally found the line that cannot be crossed on my quest for good shirtlessness: exploited people. In case any of you were wondering if my quest would cause me to make dubious choices in my creative work, the answer is no. Even I have boundaries.
I'll be working out of town on Monday, using my acting skills to help corporate managers communicate like normal people, but plan on posting something juicy next Friday. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, October 1, 2012
Ballet Boyz!
A crazy work day on Friday which began at 7am in Durham, NC and ended at City Center in midtown Manhattan prevented me from posting. This day included a very bumpy ride in a very small plane into LaGuardia airport followed by a frantic cab ride home followed by a one-stop ride on the subway. Planes, trains, and automobiles. The good news is that the night did end with some good male shirtlessness at the Fall for Dance Concert at New York's recently renovated City Center. I love Fall for Dance for its amazing sampling of art. Every year, I get to see a mixed program of dance companies from all over the world presenting a wide variety of styles and techniques. This year, one of the pieces even featured some male shirtlessness. When I saw the name "BalletBoyz" on the program, I remarked to my companion that I hoped the boyz would take their shirts off. When exactly that happened, we high fived in the dark. Although the piece was not my favorite of the night (that distinction went to the Nederlands Danz Theater), I did gasp audibly at the end when the lights went out on all the Ballet Boyz mid-air. Riotous applause followed. It was a good night at the theater.
In any case, I have a relatively slow-paced week this week and look forward to posting more shirtlessness on Friday before dashing off to Durham again. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, September 24, 2012
Emmy Congratulations
Although I was not able to watch the Emmy's last night with a show of my own to attend and an episode of "Copper" to catch, I was happy to hear of Damien Lewis' win. As you know, my cable offerings are limited, and so I have never seen "Homeland," but I have heard great things about it. I have been a fan of Mr. Lewis since the "Forsyte Saga" ran on PBS 5 years ago in which he played the despicable Soames Forsyte. In the final episode of the second series, his performance with co-star Gina McKee caused me to slow clap through the final credits. Considering I was watching the series alone, obviously I was moved. And the scene involved no shirtlessness at all. In any case, I'm happy to see his continued success playing hard to like characters and thank him for his good shirtlessness in "Band of Brothers," pictured above.
As for my show, the shirtlessness was a hit! One audience member who even knew it was coming blushed upon being confronted with a shirtless torso up close and personal. The crowd went nuts for as the shirt came off, and I truly have my actors and director to thank for such a fun show. I find that I am constantly questioning my choice of the theatrical lifestyle due to the craziness that often ensues (and not the good kind), but presenting this show really did renew my commitment to a life in the theater. The process was just what theater should be - fun, filled with laughter, and a little bit provocative. And of course, featuring some great shirtlessness accompanied by that tried and true accessory, water. I wanted to post a photo from the show, but alas, my excitement at seeing my own work realized caused my hand to shake and ruin all the shots. I am good at creating shirtlessness; I am not so good at documenting it. I guess I need to work on that.
So until then, I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, September 21, 2012
Shooting Shirtlessness
One thing I love about the fall is the beginning of a new season of television. I'm always filled with hope that each season will bring more diversity and more shirtlessness. While I can't speak to the first hope yet, I will say that the city is plastered with these "Arrow" posters that lead me to think some very nice shirtlessness is coming to us on the CW this fall. I really should give more credit to the CW for its superior commitment to male shirtlessness, although generally all the shirtless shows are lily white. I'm hoping that a show about the man who becomes the Green Arrow superhero will find a way to incorporate people of all ethnicities into its fantastical mix; surely it will find many ways to make him take off his shirt!
I'm making someone take off his shirt this weekend. Being a playwright is so much fun! I put my fantasy date on paper, and now a very fit individual will peel off his shirt for three performances. I'm almost drunk with my own power! Not only will he take off his shirt this weekend, but since he is a bit of a method actor, he's been taking it off in rehearsal for the past two nights, aided by a director who has embraced the shirtlessness to a point I could scarcely have imagined. At one point in rehearsal, I was literally jumping up and down with joy and delight. The best part of the whole thing is that the ladies get to keep their shirts on and sharpen their wits. I hope audiences will enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed rehearsing!
So I'm feeling pretty good about my contribution to the cause this week. I hope all of you can feel good about yours. Until Monday, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, September 14, 2012
Gangnam Shirtlessness
While this video does not have tons of shirtlessness, I thought it was an apt alternative to my barrage of "Call Me Maybe" videos. There is some random shirtlessness which is fun and of course, the dance which seems to be the latest sensation on the floor. I just saw Psy on the "Today Show" this morning who said that he did not meet the Two Point Standard of Good Shirtlessness, but I have to hand it to him for knowing himself and promoting the shirtlessness of other. Obviously, I do not understand one word of this video, but I'm tickled that a Korean pop star has made such a splash in the US. In the remarkably xenophobic political climate, it's trends like this one that give me hope. Psy has reportedly just been signed by Justin Bieber's manager. No doubt Americans everywhere will be doing it Gangnam style soon.
I'm excited to report my own work on the shirtless front is paying off. My very first shirtless play, "A More Perfect Date," will be presented next weekend as part of a theatrical evening called "Eating Theater" in Long Island City. The play is a riff on what a perfect date for me would look like, and as such includes some shirtlessness. I was lucky enough to secure an IMS Poster Boy of the past to play one of the roles. In fact, although the play is not ethnically specific at all, I did cast entirely multiculturally in my continued effort to show that non-white people don't lie around all day bemoaning their lack of whiteness. So this play is a score on many levels! We had our first rehearsal last night, and the cast is very cute. I'm so grateful every time actors say yes to my plays; watching them is the greatest joy of my career. I hope some of you will be able to join me next weekend for the shows. More details can be found through the Facebook link above.
So I'm feeling pretty good about the state of shirtlessness in New York theater right now. I'm off to Dallas to do some corporate training work and hope to report back about good shirtlessness in the Great Nation next Friday. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
I'm excited to report my own work on the shirtless front is paying off. My very first shirtless play, "A More Perfect Date," will be presented next weekend as part of a theatrical evening called "Eating Theater" in Long Island City. The play is a riff on what a perfect date for me would look like, and as such includes some shirtlessness. I was lucky enough to secure an IMS Poster Boy of the past to play one of the roles. In fact, although the play is not ethnically specific at all, I did cast entirely multiculturally in my continued effort to show that non-white people don't lie around all day bemoaning their lack of whiteness. So this play is a score on many levels! We had our first rehearsal last night, and the cast is very cute. I'm so grateful every time actors say yes to my plays; watching them is the greatest joy of my career. I hope some of you will be able to join me next weekend for the shows. More details can be found through the Facebook link above.
So I'm feeling pretty good about the state of shirtlessness in New York theater right now. I'm off to Dallas to do some corporate training work and hope to report back about good shirtlessness in the Great Nation next Friday. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, September 7, 2012
I Like His Smile
Since the video on Monday seemed to suggest that there are no African-American bachelors to be found in Hawaii or wherever they shot it, I thought I should right the wrong by posting one of my secret favorite African-American poster boys for shirtlessness. I don't know what it is about Shemar Moore; I just get giddy when I see him. I like his smile. Yes, it's his smile, that's it! I know he is not smiling in the above photo, but with arms like that, does he have to? I have no idea whether Mr. Moore is a bachelor, but I do know that he has spent a great deal of his career shirtless, and for this, I salute him.
Now that the conventions are over, we are officially into election season, and though I try to keep it non-political here on IMS, please have patience with my occasional outbursts. I may end up with an ulcer before November 6th, and I shall be relying heavily on good male shirtlessness to help me through this fall. May the new crop of television shows bolster us together!
The one bit of hope that I have recently been offered is attending workshops of plays by two of my fellow Writers' Lab writers and discovering that both contained multiple instances of shirtlessness. I can't help but feel that I am exerting some influence among my peers. I won't lie: it feels good. I will continue to pursue my activism for our cause, my fellow members. We are having an effect!
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, September 3, 2012
Shirtless Bachelors!
A certain IMS member who recently passed his nursing exam just passed this link on to me, and all I have to say is where are all these cute bachelors? From the video, it looks like there are all hanging loose in Hawaii, and now I wish I could be there too. I like how many Asian guys are representing in this video, although I'm surprised not to see a single African-American bachelor in the bunch. Eligible bachelors come in all shapes and sizes, and I'm hoping that these cuties also sport my favorite accessory to shirtlessness, kindness. They do all seem to be able to take off their shirts with a moment's notice which makes me pretty happy. Frankly shirtless guys singing about how beautiful he finds us makes me very happy.
As this Labor Day holiday marks the end of summer and probably the end of live shirtlessness soon, I am home trying to write a new short play and cast another short play that will go up later this month. And I have a cold which is a drag. It's happy videos like the one above that keep me going. I hope they keep you going too!
Yours in shirtlessness,
As this Labor Day holiday marks the end of summer and probably the end of live shirtlessness soon, I am home trying to write a new short play and cast another short play that will go up later this month. And I have a cold which is a drag. It's happy videos like the one above that keep me going. I hope they keep you going too!
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, August 31, 2012
Boys of Summer
In spite of the most hateful political climate in memory, I have been trying not to make political posts. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, even though I may vehemently disagree with it. This video demonstrated such excellent use of shirtlessness, however, that I had to post it. I'm sure it can come as no surprise that this shirtlessness-advocating, feminist gay icon is a Democrat, and I freely admit my bias towards this message of this video. But watching 5 shirtless gay men dance around a pool singing to Mitt Romney is really too much to be resisted. So at the beginning of Labor Day weekend, I give you the Wrong Directions and their request to the Republican Presidental candidate to disclose his taxes. Let's hope that the shirtlessness can make it happen!
Until then, I remain...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, August 27, 2012
Thanks Ryan!
Recently a friend and reader sent me a link to a hilarious website of Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" photos with feminist statements that made me laugh out loud. And I'll admit that I had no idea who he was talking about in some of the photos which shows a serious gap in my knowledge of feminist thinkers. That said, I love that images of Ryan Gosling including many shirtless ones are being used for good and not evil. I encourage you all to check out the "Feminist Ryan Gosling" while I run to Housing Works to buy myself a copy of the book. You never know when you might need a picture book to restore your faith in men. Given our current anti-female political climate, I have a feeling that I will be reading this book a lot over the coming months. Shirtlessness and feminism - a winning combination that IMS stands by unequivocally. In fact this is the combo that started IMS in the first place! So thank you Ryan Gosling for letting your good shirtlessness be used to promote a society in which women are valued and treated like equals. Although I know that this is the dream Ryan Gosling and not the real one, I suspect that if he didn't agree with the cause a little bit, he would have shut all these websites down. So thanks Ryan for supporting the cause.
Yours in shirtlessness,
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, August 24, 2012
Ahhh Call Me!
This song has been the hit of the summer for me and for many others. The plethora of lip-sync videos to this song has been astounding and amusing. I was first introduced to it by the fabulous video compiled by the gentlemen of Abercrombie & Fitch which I posted here in June. Later the Olympic Swim team made another video to it which also featured a fair amount of shirtlessness and was posted as well. In the past few days, I have watched a wide variety of, shall we call them "tribute videos," with great joy including a remix by Cookie Monster called "Share It Maybe." Last night I finally watched the real video made by Miss Carly Rae Jepsen and realized that it features excellent shirtlessness and a twist that made this IMS President laugh out loud. So enjoy!
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, August 20, 2012
A Short History of Shirtlessness
Continuing with my Bollywood theme, I thought I would share this video detailing the shirtless evolution of another Indian star, Salman Khan. Not only does he appear shirtless in every movie, but he also finds inventive ways to take his shirt off. Note the role of wind, fire, and water in some of his later shirtless scenes. Apparently, he is one of the pioneers of shirtlessness in Bollywood and has now embraced his torso for good clean fun. Considering that one rarely sees anyone kiss in Bollywood films, I find the addition of shirtlessness to these movie musicals a welcome addition. Hurray for Bollywood!
Apparently, shirtlessness has become so embedded in the Bollywood aesthetic that most actors coming to Bollywood regard getting in shape as a given. Oh happy day! I read this fascinating article in the New York Times and thought that Bollywood is probably more like Hollywood than anyone wants to admit. Celebrity trainers? Check!
In any case, I am slowly returning back to my EST schedule and hoping to find some good new shirtlessness soon. All this summer travel has caused me to miss a lot of blockbusters that are usually excellent sources of shirtlessness. I have a lot of catching up to do! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Apparently, shirtlessness has become so embedded in the Bollywood aesthetic that most actors coming to Bollywood regard getting in shape as a given. Oh happy day! I read this fascinating article in the New York Times and thought that Bollywood is probably more like Hollywood than anyone wants to admit. Celebrity trainers? Check!
In any case, I am slowly returning back to my EST schedule and hoping to find some good new shirtlessness soon. All this summer travel has caused me to miss a lot of blockbusters that are usually excellent sources of shirtlessness. I have a lot of catching up to do! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, August 17, 2012
Horray for Bollywood!
Just back from my two week trip to India, I felt it was only right that I post a Bollywood hero. I have to say that there is a lot of shirtlessness in India, not all of it good, but certainly plentiful. My first day in India was filled with shirtlessness as I spent it at an Hindu wedding in which no less than 6 priests strutted around without shirts and at one point made my uncle take off his shirt to give away his daughter, the bride. But as I said, this was not the type of shirtlessness that I spend time pining for in this blog. Seeing the sun is never a problem for Indian men, but fitness is not always at the top of any priest's list of things to do. In any case, a few days later when I went to the beauty parlor for a spa service at my hotel, I noticed a Men's Health magazine featuring a shirtless Hrithik Roshan, and I thought "Here is the kind of shirtlessness this IMS President can support." Mr. Roshan is almost too much for me. He appears to have my waist and the shoulder span of an NFL linebacker. I don't really understand how his body is humanly possible. But the next day, I bought the magazine. Who cares how it's possible? Just be happy that it is!
I'm still recovering from jetlag and the trauma of spending two solid weeks with my family. I hope that my Monday, I'll be back to my pithy, Eastern Standard time self. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
I'm still recovering from jetlag and the trauma of spending two solid weeks with my family. I hope that my Monday, I'll be back to my pithy, Eastern Standard time self. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, July 30, 2012
More Olympic Goodness
Our fellow IMS member who continues to study hard for his nursing exams has sent me more excellent news in the shirtlessness arena. I'm almost concerned that I will really suffer from a lack of shirtlessness when he passes his test! But in the meantime, check out this link to a list of 50 Hunks of the Olympics, many of whom happen also to be shirtless. The funny British comments make me smile, and the international scope of this list makes it one worth any IMS member's reading time.
Gentle readers, I will be away for 2 weeks on a family vacation to India and will not be posting again until August 17, but I promise to have an exciting Bollywood post when I return. Until then, I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, July 27, 2012
Olympic Shirtlessness
In honor of the Olympic Games that will open tonight in London, I had to post this video of the US Swim Team lip syncing to "Call Me Maybe," another version of which was featured right here last month. I don't know what it is that makes this song so conducive to shirtlessness, but I like it. It's definitely my July song! The above video could have featured some more shirtlessness, but given that these people are focused on breaking world records and the like, I'm going to cut them some slack.
Other news in swimming, apparently the original IMS Poster Boy, Daniel Craig, and his shirtless scene(s) in "Casino Royale" have affected fashion in a positive way in that now the most popular swim trunks for men are modeled after his square cut trunks from the movie. I'm pleased to know that our cause is even having an effect on fashion. Never doubt the power of the cause, my dear IMS members. Read more about its positive effects here.
The Summer Olympics are always a good time for shirtlessness. I'm sorry to say that I will be in India for most of them, but I hope that you will keep the flame alive. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Other news in swimming, apparently the original IMS Poster Boy, Daniel Craig, and his shirtless scene(s) in "Casino Royale" have affected fashion in a positive way in that now the most popular swim trunks for men are modeled after his square cut trunks from the movie. I'm pleased to know that our cause is even having an effect on fashion. Never doubt the power of the cause, my dear IMS members. Read more about its positive effects here.
The Summer Olympics are always a good time for shirtlessness. I'm sorry to say that I will be in India for most of them, but I hope that you will keep the flame alive. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, July 23, 2012
Boys of Summer
After the events of Friday morning in Colorado, I felt it was inappropriate to post that day. My thoughts goes out to the victims and their families. I can only hope that this time something will change on our culture's relationship to guns, even though I have been disappointed on this count many times before. I wish we lived in a country where the word gun refers to a man's well developed arm muscles rather than a weapon used to kill people. Sometimes wishes do come true, and so I continue to make mine.
In the meantime, I give you a taste of shirtlessness across the ages sent to me by a very active IMS member who is currently studying for his nursing certification exam. I hope that when he passes the exam, one of these shirtless hunks is waiting to accompany him to his celebration party!
While I am a big fan of many of these guys, I do marvel at the lack of diversity on this list. There are lots of men of lots of races all giving good shirtlessness these days and should be included in lists like these. For instance, I saw a show called "Prison Dancer" at NYMF yesterday that featured some amazing Filipino shirtlessness. The show is terrific, and the shirtlessness caused me to start clapping in the middle of a fight scene. I hope some of you will be able to check it out! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
In the meantime, I give you a taste of shirtlessness across the ages sent to me by a very active IMS member who is currently studying for his nursing certification exam. I hope that when he passes the exam, one of these shirtless hunks is waiting to accompany him to his celebration party!
While I am a big fan of many of these guys, I do marvel at the lack of diversity on this list. There are lots of men of lots of races all giving good shirtlessness these days and should be included in lists like these. For instance, I saw a show called "Prison Dancer" at NYMF yesterday that featured some amazing Filipino shirtlessness. The show is terrific, and the shirtlessness caused me to start clapping in the middle of a fight scene. I hope some of you will be able to check it out! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, July 16, 2012
Classical Shirtlessness
In my fury to return to blogging and of course covering "Magic Mike," I neglected to reflect upon my travels in Italy and their affect upon my shirtless aesthetic. Italy is the land of classical arts, and I would be remiss if I didn't admit that seeing shirtless sculpture after shirtless sculpture changed me in some way. If it's possible, I think I appreciate the male nude even more than before. Granted, I will continue to maintain that pantslessness is for private, but certainly shirtlessness was raised to a new level in the Uffizi and the Galleria dell'Accademia.
Seeing Michelangelo's David was no less awe-inspiring than the first time almost 20 years ago. To see the veins and skin of a man carved into marble of an awesome scale did inspire silence and wonder. Also, to see in person a sculpture whose image I have seen hundreds of times creates a strange sense of deja vu that is hard to shake. It seems almost unreal. And yet, there he stands, surrounded by visitors from all over the world, towering above them all as he prepares to do battle with Goliath. Who can look at this sculpture and not appreciate the artistry?
So today, I toast one of the birthplaces of shirtlessness and thank heavens for the Renaissance. May we all get to experience the sublime in every day life. Salute!
Yours in shirtlessness,
Seeing Michelangelo's David was no less awe-inspiring than the first time almost 20 years ago. To see the veins and skin of a man carved into marble of an awesome scale did inspire silence and wonder. Also, to see in person a sculpture whose image I have seen hundreds of times creates a strange sense of deja vu that is hard to shake. It seems almost unreal. And yet, there he stands, surrounded by visitors from all over the world, towering above them all as he prepares to do battle with Goliath. Who can look at this sculpture and not appreciate the artistry?
So today, I toast one of the birthplaces of shirtlessness and thank heavens for the Renaissance. May we all get to experience the sublime in every day life. Salute!
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, July 13, 2012
Magic Shirtless Mike
The IMS outing to "Magic Mike" was a resounding success! I will point out that we were not the only organized group at our screening, but we were the only one to erupt spontaneously into applause at various points of the movie. It was a different movie than what I expected in terms of tone which was actually quite somber, but it certainly delivered on the shirtless front. In the first 10 minutes, no one wore a shirt at all! Hurrah! IMS members, our work is certainly making a difference!
Let's take a moment to reflect on an accessory to shirtlessness that I don't often discuss - dance ability. As a former dancer myself, I know my own tendency to be overly critical and so I rarely comment on it. But Channing Tatum is a great dancer! I knew this from his "Step Up" days, but in "Magic Mike," you realize that his dance ability really reflects the core of his sexiness. I don't think I've ever seen any man writhe on the floor the way Mr. Tatum does, a fact which now makes me a little bit sad. But sadness aside, it takes someone incredibly comfortable with and knowledgeable about his own body to move like that, and as President of IMS, I have to say it is incredibly attractive. The ability to dance is up there with water and kindness as a great accessory to shirtlessness.
And I have to give a shout out to Matthew McConaughey who has been previously banned from this blog due to overexposure. He stole the show with his portrayal of the egotistical stripper-turn-strip-club-owner Dallas. Mr. McConaughey has always struck me as someone with a very healthy ego, but his performance suggested to me some self-awareness of his own persona. It was not quite as delicious as Alec Baldwin's nude scene in "It's Complicated" but significantly more layered and nuanced. I can't believe that I can use the term "pathos" in a sentence about either Mr. McConaughey or "Magic Mike," and yet I felt that Mr. McConaughey indeed found the pathos of his "Magic Mike" character. Brava!
So dear IMS members, I suggest you support this film and post comments on what you thought. I await your commentary. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Let's take a moment to reflect on an accessory to shirtlessness that I don't often discuss - dance ability. As a former dancer myself, I know my own tendency to be overly critical and so I rarely comment on it. But Channing Tatum is a great dancer! I knew this from his "Step Up" days, but in "Magic Mike," you realize that his dance ability really reflects the core of his sexiness. I don't think I've ever seen any man writhe on the floor the way Mr. Tatum does, a fact which now makes me a little bit sad. But sadness aside, it takes someone incredibly comfortable with and knowledgeable about his own body to move like that, and as President of IMS, I have to say it is incredibly attractive. The ability to dance is up there with water and kindness as a great accessory to shirtlessness.
And I have to give a shout out to Matthew McConaughey who has been previously banned from this blog due to overexposure. He stole the show with his portrayal of the egotistical stripper-turn-strip-club-owner Dallas. Mr. McConaughey has always struck me as someone with a very healthy ego, but his performance suggested to me some self-awareness of his own persona. It was not quite as delicious as Alec Baldwin's nude scene in "It's Complicated" but significantly more layered and nuanced. I can't believe that I can use the term "pathos" in a sentence about either Mr. McConaughey or "Magic Mike," and yet I felt that Mr. McConaughey indeed found the pathos of his "Magic Mike" character. Brava!
So dear IMS members, I suggest you support this film and post comments on what you thought. I await your commentary. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, July 9, 2012
Call Me Immediately!
As I have said before, there are some wonderful benefits to being the President of IMS. I recently experienced one of them when an IMS member posted this video on my Facebook wall. How happy it made me as I prepared for my European vacation! How I hoped that my tour of Italy would include shirtless Abercrombie models dancing across the Ponte Vecchio or on the Spanish Steps! Sadly, my tour did not include the kind of shirtlessness displayed here, but I think that just means I need to go back again soon! In any case, I kind of love this video and now kind of love this song.
On other fronts, while I was away, the seminal IMS film "Magic Mike" opened to surprisingly warm reviews, and I am planning an IMS outing to see it on Wednesday night. We have a good group of IMS members pumped and ready to go see this coming of age tale of a male stripper just trying to find love. I read somewhere that the screenplay is based loosely on Channing Tatum's own life. I don't know whether this fascinates or scares me, but wait till Wednesday, and we will find out! Mr. Tatum was an early favorite of IMS from his hip-hop turn in "Step Up" and I think you all know that I went to see "He's the Man" by myself in the theater just for the delightful mash up of his shirtlessness and Shakespeare. So I am really looking forward to Wednesday. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
On other fronts, while I was away, the seminal IMS film "Magic Mike" opened to surprisingly warm reviews, and I am planning an IMS outing to see it on Wednesday night. We have a good group of IMS members pumped and ready to go see this coming of age tale of a male stripper just trying to find love. I read somewhere that the screenplay is based loosely on Channing Tatum's own life. I don't know whether this fascinates or scares me, but wait till Wednesday, and we will find out! Mr. Tatum was an early favorite of IMS from his hip-hop turn in "Step Up" and I think you all know that I went to see "He's the Man" by myself in the theater just for the delightful mash up of his shirtlessness and Shakespeare. So I am really looking forward to Wednesday. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, July 6, 2012
Viva Italia!
Having just returned from my Italian vacation where I watched three of the Euro Cup matches, I thought it was only fitting that I post the Italian football team's Dolce & Gabbana underwear ad. Though they lost in the final match, they played well and of course, exhibited good shirtlessness. I'm sad that the star of the games, Mario Balotelli, is not featured here. Hopefully he and his faux hawk will be in next year's campaign!
So for those of you who were wondering, Italy was wonderful! Two weeks of eating good food, seeing amazing art and architecture, and hanging out with the vice president of IMS, along with stays in a 16th century palazzo and a feast with 6 of my dearest friends who were able to join me - what could be better? My goal on the trip was to eat pork products, cheese, and gelato every day, and I'm pleased to say that I achieved my goal. We did not catch quite as much shirtlessness as perhaps hoped, but there's nothing like a vacation to give you new eyes and get you ready to begin the quest again. I am ready for whatever shirtlessness New York wants to throw at me!
With that in mind, I am organizing a "Magic Mike" outing. The vice president, secretary, and I have already made a pact to see the movie together, and I suspect that many more will join us. More details to come. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
So for those of you who were wondering, Italy was wonderful! Two weeks of eating good food, seeing amazing art and architecture, and hanging out with the vice president of IMS, along with stays in a 16th century palazzo and a feast with 6 of my dearest friends who were able to join me - what could be better? My goal on the trip was to eat pork products, cheese, and gelato every day, and I'm pleased to say that I achieved my goal. We did not catch quite as much shirtlessness as perhaps hoped, but there's nothing like a vacation to give you new eyes and get you ready to begin the quest again. I am ready for whatever shirtlessness New York wants to throw at me!
With that in mind, I am organizing a "Magic Mike" outing. The vice president, secretary, and I have already made a pact to see the movie together, and I suspect that many more will join us. More details to come. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, June 15, 2012
Shirts Off Live
This Sunday is Leviathan Lab's One Night Stand 24 hour play festival, and I feel fairly sure that someone will take his shirt off during the performance. I was scheduled to write a short play for the event, but in the last days before I fly off to Italy, I realized that I was overextended. And so while I can't guarantee that there will be shirtlessness, I do feel strongly as Director of Shirtlessness of Leviathan Lab that a shirt will come off at some point in the evening. All the info for Sunday's free show can be read on Chris' bare chest at the end of the above trailer. I hope to see some IMS members there!
I will be taking two weeks off of the blog for my Italian vacation. The Vice President of IMS and I will be traveling throughout Italy together, hoping to see some live Italian shirtlessness. We'll report back after the Fourth of July holiday. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
I will be taking two weeks off of the blog for my Italian vacation. The Vice President of IMS and I will be traveling throughout Italy together, hoping to see some live Italian shirtlessness. We'll report back after the Fourth of July holiday. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, June 11, 2012
Tony Shirtlessness
Last night, I watched the Tony Awards with some of my theatrically inclined friends after not having seen them for a few years. I enjoyed the show very much because of the genuine suspense of the winners. For once, I watched an awards show that had so many great contenders that no one knew what was going to happen. And I kind of think that's how it should be. So in honor of the Tonys and the spectacular Broadway season, I give you Mr. Hugh Dancy who stars opposite Tony winner Nina Arianda in "Venus in Fur." I've had a crush on him since I saw him in the "Elizabeth" miniseries with Helen Mirren, and his work on stage did not disappoint. He never took his shirt off in the show, which is too bad, but he sure did smoulder through the whole 90 minute piece.
I'd also like to take a moment to recognize how many people make a Tony award winner. Most actors rely on their scene partners for support of their work, and I always think an award recognizes not only the performer but that performer's partner in crime. I remember seeing a much touted performance of Mark Rylance in "La Bete" in which he spouted a monologue for 45 minutes. His performance was truly amazing. But I couldn't help but applaud the work of his scene partner, David Hyde Pierce, who stood on stage with him for the entire monologue. He didn't say a word, and yet the story could not be told without him. Ms. Arianda's performance in "Venus in Fur" was sublime in a role in which you could not tell where the role ended and the actor began. I'm giving a shout out to Mr. Dancy for staying with her every step of the way. Brava!
In conclusion, I'd just like to say that I hope that the upward trend of shirtlessness on Broadway continues into the 2012-2013 season along with the trend of good writing developed in Off-Broadway houses. And while I'm hoping for things, I guess I'll add more great roles for women and more diversity on stage. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
I'd also like to take a moment to recognize how many people make a Tony award winner. Most actors rely on their scene partners for support of their work, and I always think an award recognizes not only the performer but that performer's partner in crime. I remember seeing a much touted performance of Mark Rylance in "La Bete" in which he spouted a monologue for 45 minutes. His performance was truly amazing. But I couldn't help but applaud the work of his scene partner, David Hyde Pierce, who stood on stage with him for the entire monologue. He didn't say a word, and yet the story could not be told without him. Ms. Arianda's performance in "Venus in Fur" was sublime in a role in which you could not tell where the role ended and the actor began. I'm giving a shout out to Mr. Dancy for staying with her every step of the way. Brava!
In conclusion, I'd just like to say that I hope that the upward trend of shirtlessness on Broadway continues into the 2012-2013 season along with the trend of good writing developed in Off-Broadway houses. And while I'm hoping for things, I guess I'll add more great roles for women and more diversity on stage. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Commercial Shirtlessness
After a frenzy of shirtlessness, I found myself sucked into a vortex of non-shirtlessness, namely in working on three non-profit fundraisers in one week where no one took off his shirt. So tonight when I saw this commercial featuring David Beckham wearing a shirt with everyone around him yelling "Shirt Off," I realized that I had let my directing shirtlessness debut get the best of me. Burger King won't let me embed the actual commercial on my blog, but I think this picture tells the story well enough. I don't believe I have set foot in a Burger King in over a decade, but if I thought David Beckham was inside, I might rethink that choice. Of course, who are we kidding? Shirtlessness like David Beckham's does not come from frequenting fast food establishments.
In any case, there will be ample opportunity to witness some live shirtlessness next weekend when Leviathan sponsors its "One Night Stand" 24 Hour Play Festival. I'm one of the writers, and someone will take his shirt off. I try to use my power for good. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
In any case, there will be ample opportunity to witness some live shirtlessness next weekend when Leviathan sponsors its "One Night Stand" 24 Hour Play Festival. I'm one of the writers, and someone will take his shirt off. I try to use my power for good. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, May 28, 2012
Directing Shirtlessness
As many of you know, I have recently been appointed Director of Shirtlessness of Leviathan Lab, a theater company in New York City dedicated to making work for a membership of Asian-American actors. I think this job was given to me after my rants about shirtlessness inspired one member of the company to run shirtless in the fundraising 5K and make his torso a sponsorship opportunity. In any case, my first official job as DOS was to direct a trailer to entice people to our 24 hour short play festival, "One Night Stand," and I hope that the IMS membership will approve of the above trailer. I don't think I've ever had so much fun directing something in my life! I literally got to order our sweet actor, Chris Doi, to take off his shirt and lay on the ground so that we could write all over him. Then I instructed the DP to "caress his body with the camera" and "pan slowly over his chest." I was clearly made for this job!
The trailer turned out so well, that we will be making another one for another event soon. I'm beginning to think that Director of Shirtlessness could turn into a full-time job! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
The trailer turned out so well, that we will be making another one for another event soon. I'm beginning to think that Director of Shirtlessness could turn into a full-time job! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Happy Summer Shirtlessness!
In anticipation of the summer this Memorial Day weekend, I was searching the internet for the precursor to J Lo's "I'm Into You" video, Janet Jackson's "Love Will Never Do (Without You)" video in which Janet cavorts on the beach with Antonio Sabato Jr while a shirtless man dances, presumably somewhere else on that same beach. Research revealed that the dancing man was Djimon Hounsou who is often shirtless in his screen appearances. He seemed like the right person to welcome summer. May we all find him dancing on a beach this summer!
My duties as Director of Shirtlessness for Leviathan continue with the painstaking process of reviewing edits of our shirtless trailer. I shall post our work soon, but let me say that storytelling in the shirtless medium certainly presents its own challenges. Good thing I am a shirtlessness expert. Others may have floundered with the mere sight of a shirtless man in one's bed with writing all over his chest, but not me. I stayed steady in my conviction to produce a trailer that enticed, intrigued, and informed. My work is never done...
Yours in shirtlessness,
My duties as Director of Shirtlessness for Leviathan continue with the painstaking process of reviewing edits of our shirtless trailer. I shall post our work soon, but let me say that storytelling in the shirtless medium certainly presents its own challenges. Good thing I am a shirtlessness expert. Others may have floundered with the mere sight of a shirtless man in one's bed with writing all over his chest, but not me. I stayed steady in my conviction to produce a trailer that enticed, intrigued, and informed. My work is never done...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Good Advice!
This appeared on my Facebook page recently, and I thought it appropriate to pass along. I have noticed a recent explosion of "Keep Calm and Carry On" messages of late, and I thought this was a good twist on the saying. As long as shirts are hidden, I will remain calm for sure!
In spite of this, I will share my recent excitement of being appointed "Director of Shirtlessness" for Leviathan Lab, an Asian American theater company based here in New York, and all that it entails. Since my appointment, I have found that male members want to take their shirts off for me. I don't even have to ask. Yesterday, I had volunteered along with another Leviathan Labbie to help deliver sandwiches to the cast of another Labbie's reading. My fellow volunteer told me he thought it would be fun if we walked in the door with me carrying the sandwiches and him carrying me shirtless. He asked me to write the name of the reading across his chest. What could I do other than comply with his wishes?
The day before I had been asked to direct a shirtless trailer for our upcoming 24 hour play festival titled "One Night Stand." I spent all afternoon directing another male Labbie to take off his shirt, to drop and give me 20, and to hold while the camera caressed his torso. I think the Dream is coming true. I wonder who will volunteer to remove his shirt for me today? Hmmm...
Yours in shirtlessness,
In spite of this, I will share my recent excitement of being appointed "Director of Shirtlessness" for Leviathan Lab, an Asian American theater company based here in New York, and all that it entails. Since my appointment, I have found that male members want to take their shirts off for me. I don't even have to ask. Yesterday, I had volunteered along with another Leviathan Labbie to help deliver sandwiches to the cast of another Labbie's reading. My fellow volunteer told me he thought it would be fun if we walked in the door with me carrying the sandwiches and him carrying me shirtless. He asked me to write the name of the reading across his chest. What could I do other than comply with his wishes?
The day before I had been asked to direct a shirtless trailer for our upcoming 24 hour play festival titled "One Night Stand." I spent all afternoon directing another male Labbie to take off his shirt, to drop and give me 20, and to hold while the camera caressed his torso. I think the Dream is coming true. I wonder who will volunteer to remove his shirt for me today? Hmmm...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, May 18, 2012
It's Good to Be President!
The other day a friend posted this video on my Facebook wall, reminding me of the joys of being president of IMS. It is not always an easy job. There are many disappointments, like when you go to a perfectly adequate Broadway show and realize how much better it would have been if someone had simply taken off his shirt. Or when you are walking in the park and realize that those who should take their shirts off are shirted, and those who should not are shirtless. But then some days you wake up and find this delightful video on your Facebook wall. And all is well.
On Monday, I had an unexpected chance to see another president, the POTUS, when he drove through my neighborhood. Police barricades were up on the streets, and on my way home from a brisk walk in the park with a friend and fellow IMS member, I decided to stand outside and wait for him. Small groups of people gathered all along the route. One man stood outside his store and swept the same patch of sidewalk for 15 minutes. Either he wanted it to be VERY clean for the President or was trying to act nonchalant. In either case, eventually the motorcade zoomed past, and I waved with glee at the outline of a man with prominent ears who was waving back. His job is incredibly difficult (Leader of the Free World, Babysitter of Congress, etc...), but I wonder if on days like Monday, when people are waving and cheering at him in the streets, he thinks it's good to be President too.
As I contemplate this, I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, May 14, 2012
Work it, J Lo!
I have made no secret of my admiration for J Lo. I personally feel that she is single-handedly responsible for William Levy on DWTS. I love her videos and think she looks hotter than ever at 40-something. Recently she performed her latest hit song on "American Idol," and an IMS member alerted me to some excellent male shirtlessness in the number. The opening image is enough to make this IMS President clap and cheer. Although it is almost a direct rip-off of "The Tudors" Season 3 poster, I love the fact that J Lo put herself on a throne of shirtless men. Way to kick it up a notch, Jenny from the Block! So while I can't get too excited about her 25 year old lover, I can get behind her making all of her male back-up dancers take their shirts off while shimmying all around her. If I ever become a pop star, this is essentially what every single one of my videos will look like. Just sayin...
In other news, I am hard at work on a new play that is getting a reading this Friday. The play has no shirtlessness whatsoever which may be a disappointment to my constituency, but I am working hard to expand the scope of my art. I don't want good male shirtlessness to define me; rather I should define it! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, May 11, 2012
Broadway Shirtlessness
I have been known to post Blair Underwood before, but dear IMS members, you currently have a chance to see Mr. Underwood shirtless live on Broadway in this year's revival of "Streetcar Named Desire." Apparently, Mr. Underwood's entrance into the final scene in his pajamas causes an uproar in every performance. I ran into him with his shirt on recently, and I can say that it was all I could do to keep myself from screaming. He is sexy and upholding the 2 Point Standard!
A Tony-voter friend of mine has been updating me on the good shirtlessness in this year's Broadway season. Aside from Mr. Underwood, there are apparently brief moments of shirtlessness in "Peter and the Starcatcher" and in "Ghost." I haven't yet seen "Porgy & Bess," but I'm hoping for some in that as well.
So get out there, support live theater and live shirtlessness! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
A Tony-voter friend of mine has been updating me on the good shirtlessness in this year's Broadway season. Aside from Mr. Underwood, there are apparently brief moments of shirtlessness in "Peter and the Starcatcher" and in "Ghost." I haven't yet seen "Porgy & Bess," but I'm hoping for some in that as well.
So get out there, support live theater and live shirtlessness! Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, May 4, 2012
Nameless but Shirtless
A few days ago, a friend sent me this image of shirtlessness that he came across while searching for an outfit for his wedding. I have no idea what this male model's name is, but I think he upholds the Two Point Standard of Good Shirtlessness quite well. He also got me thinking about what the dress code at my wedding could be. Granted since I haven't met the groom yet, I don't want to say that this is definitely what he will be wearing down the aisle, but it is a strong possibility. It seems only right that the President of IMS should have a shirtless husband.
I'm back on track with my schedule of shirtlessness, thankfully. Also, recently the Secretary has been reactivated as well, and so I'm looking forward to at least a month of excellent shirtlessness before I take two weeks off for vacation in Italy with the Vice President. I do hope that there will be some live Italian shirtlessness to report on in July, but until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
I'm back on track with my schedule of shirtlessness, thankfully. Also, recently the Secretary has been reactivated as well, and so I'm looking forward to at least a month of excellent shirtlessness before I take two weeks off for vacation in Italy with the Vice President. I do hope that there will be some live Italian shirtlessness to report on in July, but until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The Plan is Working!
Dear IMS members, again, I realize that I am posting one day late, but I figure better late than never. I'm not sure how the last two weeks have gotten so out of hand schedule-wise; all I can say is that the pursuit of good shirtlessness takes time. Lucky for me, I was successful in adding a lot of shirtlessness into the New York theater scene this week.
As I told you, I was working on Second Generation's celebratory short play series, "Fifteen," which featured 15 short pieces by teams of Asian-American theater artists ranging from reading excerpts of new novels to dance pieces reenacting a quinceanera to original songs about bi-coastal relationships. At the first performance, three of the 15 pieces (the three on which I worked, obviously) involved male shirtlessness. By Saturday evening's show, I managed to convince one of the other directors that shirtlessness would be appropriate in his piece as well. I think four out of fifteen is not bad. Now I am trying to convince the artistic director that next year's theme should be "Sixteen and Shirtless." An IMS president's work is never done.
And as for Jeremy Renner being posted here today, one of my fellow artists of the weekend will be featured in Mr. Renner's upcoming Bourne movie, and I thought I should post him in anticipation both of his upcoming shirtlessness and of my friend's amazing turn in another feature film. I cannot wait! This friend has been featured on the blog before and continues to sport that wonderful accessory to shirtlessness, kindness. I can't hope for enough good things to happen for him.
So my gentle readers, know that while I may be posting late, I am always working for the cause. Until the next time (hopefully on Friday), I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
As I told you, I was working on Second Generation's celebratory short play series, "Fifteen," which featured 15 short pieces by teams of Asian-American theater artists ranging from reading excerpts of new novels to dance pieces reenacting a quinceanera to original songs about bi-coastal relationships. At the first performance, three of the 15 pieces (the three on which I worked, obviously) involved male shirtlessness. By Saturday evening's show, I managed to convince one of the other directors that shirtlessness would be appropriate in his piece as well. I think four out of fifteen is not bad. Now I am trying to convince the artistic director that next year's theme should be "Sixteen and Shirtless." An IMS president's work is never done.
And as for Jeremy Renner being posted here today, one of my fellow artists of the weekend will be featured in Mr. Renner's upcoming Bourne movie, and I thought I should post him in anticipation both of his upcoming shirtlessness and of my friend's amazing turn in another feature film. I cannot wait! This friend has been featured on the blog before and continues to sport that wonderful accessory to shirtlessness, kindness. I can't hope for enough good things to happen for him.
So my gentle readers, know that while I may be posting late, I am always working for the cause. Until the next time (hopefully on Friday), I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Shirtlessness IRL (In Real Life)
Perhaps William Levy is getting old for some of you, but I assure you, he has worked some kind of magic spell on my mom. So in anticipation of Mothers' Day, I repost Mr. Levy giving us a little bit of Zac Ephron action with his shirtwork. I think he is just adorable and have been enjoying his dances on Dancing with the Stars - not as much as his partner Cheryl Burke or my mother, but enjoying him nonetheless.
My posting schedule has been totally thrown off this week due to some real life shirtlessness, namely the show that I have been working on for 2g Theater called "Fifteen." It is 15 short pieces created in one week around the theme "Coming of Age," and all of you know that phrase means "old enough to take off your shirt" to me. In the piece that I co-wrote, one character is shirtless for almost the entire 8-minute play, and in the one that I directed, one of my actors has his shirt stolen on stage. The director of the piece I wrote has fully embraced the shirtless aesthetic, in fact, encouraging the actor to rub himself with lotion, do push ups, and towel off on stage. It's been a good time. And anyone who doubts the sexiness of the Asian male should check out the show - there is a lot of hotness going on. For tickets, go to Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
My posting schedule has been totally thrown off this week due to some real life shirtlessness, namely the show that I have been working on for 2g Theater called "Fifteen." It is 15 short pieces created in one week around the theme "Coming of Age," and all of you know that phrase means "old enough to take off your shirt" to me. In the piece that I co-wrote, one character is shirtless for almost the entire 8-minute play, and in the one that I directed, one of my actors has his shirt stolen on stage. The director of the piece I wrote has fully embraced the shirtless aesthetic, in fact, encouraging the actor to rub himself with lotion, do push ups, and towel off on stage. It's been a good time. And anyone who doubts the sexiness of the Asian male should check out the show - there is a lot of hotness going on. For tickets, go to Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Eye of the Beholder

Recently, a fellow theater person told me about reading a review of a show that one of our friends was in and becoming enraged by its assumptions about who can portray a leader and who cannot. The review noted that our friend seemed miscast in his role as a "charismatic leader" because he looked more like a "Buddhist monk." I can only imagine that this characterization was based on the fact that our friend is of Asian descent. It is a strange commentary to suggest that a Buddhist monk cannot be a charismatic leader; one of the most charismatic and well-respected leaders of today is the Dalai Lama, a Buddhist Monk.
This weekend, I will be performing in an extremely cut-down version of "Two Gentlemen of Verona" with Leviathan Lab and am looking forward to sharing our all-Asian romantic comedy with an audience. I'm looking forward to playing a romantic lead myself. And though there is no shirtlessness (believe me, I tried), I think that it will be really fun to challenge the prevalent attitude of what an Asian-American performer can portray. Until Monday, I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, April 16, 2012
Coming and Going
As it turns out, I have been asked to write a short play with another fellow playwright for a short play series called "Fifteen" at the Walkerspace in SoHo next weekend. We created a scenario in which it would be perfectly natural for one of our actors to be shirtless for the entire play. I am also directing another play in the series, and when the writer realized that she was working with me, she immediately asked the actors if they were comfortable being shirtless. While many writers and directors take years to discover their aesthetic, I think I have finally figured out what mine is: shirtlessness. It seems that people have come to expect male shirtlessness from me. I can't disappoint, and so I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, April 13, 2012
O Happy Day!

Today on my way home from yoga class, I stopped in the drugstore to pick up some paper towels and found that my new show boyfriend, William Levy, was on the cover of People magazine. How I wished that I was flying somewhere so that I could justify it! I'm trying to keep my gossip magazine habit down to only those times when I really need it (like when I'm flying in an airplane and use the gossip magazine to calm my nerves during turbulence). So I admired his adorable smile in the checkout line and then came home to look him up online and see how he is. currently has an article posted which includes video of him from his shirtless photo shoot (does he do any other kind?) and an interview in which he discusses being on DWTS. Apparently dancing is much harder than he thought, but he continues to be humble even as he cha-cha's his way to the top. My mom officially has thrown over Derek Hough for him as her dream dance partner, a day which I honestly thought would never come. While I still can't get over my adoration of Gilles from his stint of DWTS, I do hope Mr. Levy will go all the way to winning the Mirror Ball Trophy.
Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sweet Charity
Also, I must point out that three runners told me they would run shirtless, but only Chris Doi did it. One of the others tried to take off his shirt as he was running past my cheering station, but taking off one's shirt while running is a very difficult proposition. The other non-shirtless runner was too busy making the best time in the group even to care about his shirtless status. Mr. Doi not only ran shirtless for the entire 10K in 40 degree weather, but he upheld the two point standard of Fitness and Seeing the Sun. So thank you, Chris for bringing live shirtlessness back - just in time for spring!
If only all fundraisers could involve male shirtlessness. Hmmmm....
Yours in shirtlessness,
Friday, April 6, 2012
Nothing Comes Between Me and My Calvins

Also, tomorrow my friends in the Leviathan Lab will be running the Scotland Run 10K. Several of them will be running shirtless at my urging. I'm very happy that two of my favorite things, male shirtlessness and theater, will be combined in one event. If you would like to support opportunities for Asian actors, please go to
to make a tax-deductible donation. Run Leviathan Run!
I'm off to do some standardized patient work at a local medical school. I'll be looking for shirtless male models to smile at me as I walk down the street. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Monday, April 2, 2012
Nice Work If You Can Get It
Okay, there is no shirtlessness in the above video, but I'm posting it because we all know that William Levy gives good shirtlessness and now we can see him dance. He's no Gilles Marini in the dance department, but his cute little dimples have won me over. Even my mom is routing for him. I hope he takes off his shirt in the next round!
So there have been a lot of obstacles to my posting lately. I lost my phone the night before I traveled to Buffalo, and so there was a huge technical situation on my hands that almost sent me over the brink. While I still hold to the maxim that the best accessory to shirtlessness is kindness, I think a close second would be technical knowledge of the many gadgets that now rule our lives. I would have been much happier updating my new phone if a nice shirtless technical support man had been helping me. But alas, that was not the case.
My days have been crazy of late, and I'm not sure of what to do about it. Basically, I'm just holding out until my trip to Italy in late June when I will be offline and phone-free for two glorious weeks. If things work out, I will be surrounded by handsome, shirtless Italian men as well. But until then, I continue to be...
Yours in shirtlessness,
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Mid-week Shirtlessness

Gentle IMS members, once again I find myself having apologize for not sticking to my posting schedule due to illness. Actually on Friday I was working as a standardized patient at a New York medical school which was a very long day, and by Monday, I had succumbed to yet another cold, and this on the eve of the first day of spring. I can't believe how sick I have been this winter. While I am queen of the nervous tummy, I generally do not get colds. During this, the second mildest winter recorded, I seem to have gotten three. I hate being sick as it dampens my enthusiasm for almost everything, even shirtlessness. So to cheer myself and you up, I give you David Gandy, my former show boyfriend. Recently he has been seen wearing shirts in the Banana Republic ad campaign, but a vast majority of his work is shirtless. No need to ask why.
Looking over his body of work online, I have to wonder what it must be like to be known mainly for one's shirtlessness. Even Gilles Marini who was once known simply as "the naked guy from Sex and the City" has had the chance to speak and charm us with his accent and his politesse. But Mr. Gandy simply appears as a beautiful torso, over and over again. I feel a little bit sad for him. But only a little bit. If he wanted to speak, no doubt someone would listen which is more than I can say for most people. In any case, examining his work reminded me that while shirtlessness is a wonderful state of being that we should strive for, it is not the only state. In my cold-headed delirium I fantasize about a world where men are shirtless and kind. Until then, I am...
Yours in shirtlessness,
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